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Lab Members

Lab Members: Overview


A Collaborative & Diverse Group

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Casimiro Gerarduzzi, PhD, MSc

Principle Investigator

Dr. Casimiro Gerarduzzi obtained his PhD from McGill University. He completed tw0 postdoctoral fellow at Harvard School of Public Health and at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Gerarduzzi is currently an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Montreal and the Nephrology Axis of Hôpital Maisonneuve Hospital (HMR).


Nathalie Henley, MSc

Research Assistant

Experienced, trustworthy, fun. These are just a few of the ways coworkers describe this invaluable member of our team. Nathalie is truly a joy to be around and makes it a pleasure to come to work every single day.


Marion Dubuissez, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Marion Dubuissez is a talented postdoctoral fellow with experience in cell cultures and mouse models. She is currently working on our leukaemia project with the hopes of making a significant impact in the leukaemia community.

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Djazia Haferssas, MSc


Djazia is our intern who has studied at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne université), France. She is a determined student with a curiosity to solve molecular mechanisms of leukaemia.

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Liam Chan

UBC Internship 2020

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Daniel Feng

Master's Student 2017-2019


Sandrine Lemire-Claude

Summer Student 2019


Pamela Solis

Summer Student 2018


Cindy Ngov

Summer Student 2017 and 2018

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